Sunday, December 12, 2010


My portfolio is basically me written on paper. This blog describes me. It is everything about me. It is me. It shows that I am a dancer, I love my family, I think romance is adorable, and I live to express who I am.
Of the poems that I wrote, my favorite would have to be the color poem. I love the color pink and I love to describe things that I see in my own words.
I prefer writing free verse poetry. It is the easiest to write and I don’t have to worry about rhyming words. Although, my favorite to read is rhyming because it makes the poem more fun and interesting.
I enjoyed being able to write basically whatever I wanted to write about. It wasn’t to limited or structured and I was able to express who I am more. I learned a lot about the structure of poetry. I also learned about everything that goes into poems.
Overall, my blog tells readers that I am fun and energetic. I am also free and outgoing. It really tells who I am and what I want to do with life itself.

Station Poem: Bingo Extras Poem: Acrostic Poem- Dancing

Die hard practice, pay off end the end.
Across the stage.
Now it's time to show the world what you're
Capable of.
It's the incing on the cake.
Now is your time to shine.
Glowing under the lights, just dancing.

Station Poem: Sensory Poem- Sunday Afternoons

Looks like happiness.
Sounds like laughter.
Smells like the woodburning fire.
Tastes like Grandma's cooking.
Feels like love.
Relaxing with my family, napping in my PJ's.
Sunday Afternoons.

Station Poem: Art Response Poem- Only a dream

Wanting to be
Has bigger dreams

It dreams of being bigger
It dreams of being beautiful

But in the end it is nothing
It is not free
It is merely a house plant

Station Poem: Manipulative Poem- Promises

His words were sacred
She believed his promise
She remembered his whisper in her ear
He squeezed her tightly and held her close
She rested against him, thinking of their future
Now knowing he will soon be gone
She loved him
But his feelings weren't the same

Station Poem: Borrowed Poem- Morning

Will there really be a morning?
How are we ever sure?
Is it definitely going to come?
When will we know?

I will wake in the day.
I will explore the world.
I will seek what I have been looking for.
Will there really be a morning?

Borrowed From: Emily Dickinson

Analysis of: As I Grew Older by: Langston Hughes

A word that I think we should know is whirling. The deffinition is to rotate rapidly. The word rapidly was found in the sentence "Into a thousand whirling dreams". This poem is literally about a person growing older and their dreams change. The title, "As I Grew Older", is relevant because it tells how the speaker changes, the older he gets. The author uses similes like, "bright like a sun", to create layers of meaning. The author utilizes assonance as a sound device. For example, dream and me. The poem's form is free verse. The speaker of the poem could be Langston Hughes. This was indicated becasue he says "I" and could be looking back on his own life. The shift occurs when the speaker "breaks through the wall". I know this because before the speaker said it was dark, but now it is bright. The tone of this poem is hope, regret, and desire. Some clues of the tone are how the speaker regrets waiting and how he longs for his dreams. I interpreted the theme pretty literally. One interpretation it could be is, he is going through life and realizes how much harder it is to complete one's dreams the older one gets. He tells how, even though it took longer then expected, he was still able to break through the wall and achieve his dreams. The title, the wall, and the sun could all be subjects and symbols that helped me come to this conclusion.

Presentation Poem: As I Grew Older- By: Langston Hughes

It was a long time ago.
I have almost forgotten my dreams.
In front of me,
Bright like a sun--
My dream.
And then the wall rose,
Rose slowly,
Between me and my dream.
Rose until it touched the sky--
The wall.
I am black.
I lie down in the shadow.
No longer the light of my dream before me,
Above me.
Only the thick wall.
Only the shadow.
My hands!
My dark hands!
Break through the wall!
Find my dream!
Help me to shatter this darkness,
To smash this night,
To break this shadow
Into a thousand lights of sun,
Into a thousand whirling dreams
Of sun!

Bingo Poem: Waltz Wave- Taking the Stage

Across floor
In motion
Down the stage
Up stage
All forms
Now bow

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bingo Poem: Cinquain- Dance

Move to express
Way to covey yourself
Amazing to communicate feelings

Bingo Poem: ABC Poem

A bald cat didn't even find guys hairy.
I just kissed llamas.
My neighbor only pretended queens represented states under veils
while xylophones yipped zestfully.

Bingo Poem: Phone Number Poem- Dance

5     Expressing yourself
4     Movement is key
3     Beautiful
5     Gliding, Prancing, Free
4     Across the floor
5     Anything you want
1     Dance

Bingo Poem: Color Poem- Pink

Pink is like the sky before sunset
Pink are the cheeks of a child on a cold winter day
Pink is a blooming rose
Cotton candy
Bubble gum